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学院为员工提供因公出差的机会 at college expense. The board delegates to the president or designee the responsibility to develop and implement travel procedures in accordance with state regulations.

Approved by the president's cabinet: 6/28/22
Adopted by the board of trustees: 5/10/00

Last reviewed: 6/28/22
Policy contact: Administrative Services

Related policies and procedures
1600.115 Travel Procedure



  1.  Prior Approval
    1. 大学业务的旅行请求必须得到相应区域主管的批准 prior to the date of the travel. The employee must complete a travel authorization 表格(A-40-A),签署,获得适当的授权签名,并提交原件 to the fiscal services office prior to traveling for state purposes.
    2. 财务处负责处理必要的注册费、差旅费预支、 and vehicle rental.
    3. 在某些情况下,经事先请求,可按估计的80%垫付旅费 per diem. (Exceptions are ASWVC travel.) Requests for travel advances must be submitted at least one week prior to travel date.
    4. All out-of-state travel must be approved in advance by the president.
  2. Reimbursement
    1. 从旅行状态返回后,员工必须填写旅行费用凭证 form (A-20-A); sign it; attach receipts for commercial facility, rental car, credit card, and any other expenses incurred; obtain authorizing signature; and submit original to the fiscal services office.
    2. 表格由财务服务办公室处理,员工会收到通知 reimbursement check is available for pickup at the cashier's station. (Reimbursements 哪些是直接邮寄给员工的,需要在差旅费上注明 voucher form.)
    3. 经州政府批准,财政服务办公室直接向商业航空公司付款 vehicle rental agencies, and travel agencies.
    4. Notation should be made on the travel authorization form when reimbursement is to be provided by another agency. The fiscal services office will then recover identified travel expenses from that agency.
    5. Reimbursement rates for subsistence, lodging, and mileage are listed in office of 财务管理(OFM)条例,其副本可在财政 services office and on-line on the OFM travel web page.
  3. Cancellations
    1. 员工将在批准后尽快通知财务处 travel arrangement is cancelled.
  4. Travel Arrangements
    1. Lodging is reimbursed at actual cost up to allowable per diem. A receipt is required for reimbursement. Employees make their own lodging arrangements and reservations. See current per diem rates at
    2. 航空旅行、租车或火车预订请联系财政服务办公室 for current procedure.
  5. Meals
    1. 根据OFM政策,如果员工在旅行状态下购买的餐食是可报销的 在整个用餐时间都不在,而旅客是在旅客 身份超出旅客正常工作时间三小时 any one day.
    2. Established meal periods for WVC employees are:

      Breakfast  6:00 a.m. to7:30 a.m.
      Lunch        11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
      Dinner       6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


学生基金可用于支付正式代表个人的旅行费用 在一项活动中与全体学生有关的学生 body. Students are required to travel with an instructor/advisor. A prior trip approval 申请必须由指导老师/教练提交给首席学生项目官 or designee, approved by the appropriate instructional dean, and forwarded to the appropriate student senate or activity council for approval. All out-of-state travel must be approved in advance by the Wenatchee Valley College President. Out-of-state travel must be paid for from non-S & A fee fundraising. Advisors should ensure that 参加旅行的学生至少在出发前两周签署旅行同意书 and that these forms are filed in the student programs office. Upon return from the 旅行时,指导老师/教练将向首席学生项目官提交旅行报告 or designee to account for all funds expended.


  1. Meals and Lodging
  2. Private and/or Rental Vehicles
    Students choosing not to ride in the scheduled college-owned/rented vehicle do so at their own risk and expense.
  3. ASWVC Vans
    Drivers of ASWVC vans are required to possess a valid Washington driver’s license and be an employee of the college.


  1. 教学实地考察是通过适当的管理员在学校安排 如有可能,每季度开始,但不得迟于提前两周 trip is to be made.
  2. 教师必须填写一份教学实地考察申请表,并签字 submit it to the appropriate administrator for approval.
  3. 教学实地考察是一项班级活动,学生必须参加 to travel with the instructor. Students choosing not to ride in the scheduled college-owned/rented vehicle do so at their own risk and expense.
  4. 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院通过侵权索赔法投保,不包括 employees' private vehicles.


  1. State vehicles may only be used for authorized college business.
  2. 使用学院或ASWVC资金购买或租赁的车辆均为国有车辆 the responsibility of the college.
  3. 要被授权使用学校拥有的车辆,员工和学生必须提供 有效的驾驶执照副本(适用于所驾驶的车辆) 一个州的身份证号码,他们的保险公司的名称,以及显示的保险单号码 proof of state-required liability insurance. In addition, it is strongly encouraged 所有司机都有“其他车辆司机”的个人车辆责任保险 policy.
  4. 使用任何学校车辆的学生活动必须安排和检查 through the chief student development officer or designee on the Wenatchee campus or the campus administrator on the Omak campus.
  5. The following procedures will be followed in the use of ASWVC-purchased vans:
    1. 使用aswvc购买的车辆必须事先通过官方批准 trip approval process.
      1. 所有ASWVC俱乐部和组织的旅行请求必须得到适当的批准 campus activity council and the appropriate campus administrator.
      2. 所有学生会活动的旅行请求必须得到适当的批准 campus student senate and the appropriate campus administrator.
      3. 所有的州外旅行都是由学生俱乐部,组织,运动队和学生 政府必须事先得到相应的校园管理员的批准 the college president.
    2. aswvc购买的车辆可用于团体和/或学生旅行 the college, such as college visitations or instructional field trips. The chief student 发展服务官员或指定人员和/或Omak校园管理员储备 在条件允许的情况下,有权限制其购买车辆的使用 result in undue damage.
    3. 使用aswvc购买的车辆的费用每年由适当的官员审查 campus student senate and must be approved by the president's cabinet. The current aswvc客车的价格表可从学生项目办公室获得.
      如果aswvc购买的车辆是不可用的,适当的校园学生服务 administrator may authorize use of a rental vehicle per state contract.
  6. 使用和控制指定车辆的责任应由 employee or authorized student from the time and date the travel packet is picked up from the appropriate campus administrator until the packet is returned to that administrator. The travel packet consists of keys to the assigned vehicle, a state gas credit card and a mileage report form. The mileage report form must be signed and completed prior to return of the travel packet.
  7. 皇冠8868会员登录谷学院是通过国家侵权索赔责任法案投保的. 在符合OFM政策的特定情况下,华盛顿州可以, 尝试首先收集由学校车辆操作引起的任何索赔 from the driver's private insurance carrier.


The use of state contracts for airfare is mandatory where available. (The fiscal services office and travel agencies have the OFM-approved list of locations.) Employees should 向财政服务办公室查询当前的旅行信息和帮助 before making travel reservations.

Originally approved by the president’s cabinet 11/13/01
Revised and approved by the president’s cabinet 9/23/04, 4/2/13
Presented to the board of trustees 10/20/04, 5/15/13
Last reviewed: __/__/__
Procedure contact: Administrative Services

Related policies, procedures and related materials
600.115 Travel Policy
ASWVC Prior Trip Approval Request Form
ASWVCO Prior Trip Approval Request Form
Instructional Field Trip Request Form
Travel Authorization (A-40-A) Form
Travel Consent Form
Travel Expense Voucher (A-20-A) Form